VI  WCCR   Abril 1996   Buenos Aires,  Argentina
"Gravitational Stress effects on endothelium of patients with hypertension"
M.E. Isasi, E.S. Isasi, C. Carrera, D. Mancioni

VI  WCCR   Abril 1996  Buenos Aires,  Argentina
"Gravitational Stress effects on digital pulses of patients with hypertension"
M.E. Isasi  &  E.S. Isasi

VI  WCCR   Abril 1996   Buenos Aires.  Argentina
"Gravitational Stress in exercise tests in patients with coronary artery disease and hypertension"
M.E. Isasi & E.S. Isasi

1992 European Journal of Lymophology   "Human Centrifugation  a new therapeutic method in lymphedema. Lymphoscintigraphic evaluation".
M. E. Isasi, E.S. Isasi, E. Touya

1992 European Journal of Lymphology          "Human Centrifugation: a mechanical stimulus related with prostaglandin Liberation.  Lymphoscintigraphic evaluation."
E.S. Isasi, M.E. Isasi, E. Touya.

   5th WCBNM  Agosto 1990  Montreal, Canadá " The role of  Human Centrifugation in the treatment of reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (RSDS)"
 M. E. Isasi, E.S. Isasi, E. Touya.

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